Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same
There’s a gay one and a dyke one
And a bi one and a queer one
And they’re all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same— Malvina Reynolds pissing on your little gay boxes, I guess
Is your category so weak it is endangered by becoming an adjective or having adjectives added to it? Is it endangered by contamination? Imperfections?
Who cares about neat little boxes? Who benefits from precisely drawn lines on the identitarian map?
Why keep the strict binary definition (straight/lesbian) heterosexual science gave to your identity?
Do you believe bisexual women calling themselves lesbians is a new thing?
Does exclusion and identitarian conservatism lead to any progressive goals?
Wasn’t Dworkin, a married woman, a Lesbian? Wasn’t her husband, Stoltenberg, a gay men? Were Leslie Feinberg and Minnie Bruce Pratt a lesbian couple?
Are we aiming at maintaining the old sexual order, or fucking it all up(side down)?
Are we to exclude all the transboys from lesbian spaces because they cannot be “lesbians” anymore? Have them turn to male spaces? Basically forcing them into the mold of hegemonic masculinity.
If all those questions only convinces you more that there is no such thing as a “bisexual lesbian”, well be it, and let the “lesbian bisexual” raise instead and erase your ticky-tacky identities.